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Useful Data Set
1. Canvas Network Courses, Activities, and Users (4/2014 - 9/2015) Restricted Dataset
2. Canvas Network Person-Course (1/2014 - 9/2015) De-Identified Open Dataset
3. CFPS-中国家庭动态跟踪调查
4. DataShop@CMU
5. Diary Study Database
6. ECLS - Early Childhood Longitudinal Study
7. IEA - ICILS-International Computer and Information Literacy Study
8. IEA - ICCS-International Civic and Citizenship Education Study
9. IEA - PIRLS-Progress in International Reading Literacy Study
10. IEA - TIMSS-Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study
11. Indicators of Citizenship Rights for Immigrants (ICRI)
12. Longitudinal Study of American Youth
13. Multiculturalism Policy (MCP) Index
14. NEPS-National Educational Panel Study
15. OECD - PISA-Programme for International Student Assessment
16. OECD - TALIS-Teaching and Learning International Survey
17. OECD-PIAAC-The Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies
18. Opportunity Atlas
19. Peking University Open Research Data
20. Stanford Question Answering Dataset (SQuAD)
21. Urban Big Data Centre
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