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- All registrations are based on a first-come-first-served basis.
- For consultations with groups of 10 persons or above, please register a week before the consultation.
- Once your registration is confirmed, a confirmation email will be sent to you.
- Each Theme Group can book the consultation for a maximum of 2 hours per week.
- Notes for each consultation:
A suitable acknowledgment of the funding should be included in any publication/publicity arising from the consultation provided by the Big Data Project. For information about the format of acknowledgment, please visit HERE .
Each session lasts for half an hour.
Research questions (including 2-3 testable hypotheses/sub-questions) are needed before the consultation.
The dataset(s) AND variables you would like to use should be proposed before the consultation.
- If you want to book two sessions, please refresh (press F5 on your keyboard) the website after the first booking.
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