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Dr Chia Ling HSU
Post-Doctoral Fellow,
The Education University of Hong Kong
The Introduction of Computerized Adaptive Testing
Dr. Chia-Ling Hsu obtained her Ph.D. from the Department of Psychology at the National Chung Cheng University in Taiwan. She is currently working at Assessment Research Centre of The Education University of Hong Kong as Post-doctoral Fellow. Her research interests focus on computerized adaptive testing, cognitive diagnostic models, item response theory, and educational measurement.
As the advances in computer technology, computerized adaptive testing (CAT) captured much attention over past decades. Compared with non-adaptive testing (e.g., paper-and-pencil), CAT is more efficient in achieving the same degree of measurement precision among all test takers with fewer items. The components and algorithms of a CAT, including the development of an item bank, starting rule, item selection rule, scoring method, termination criterion, or/and some practical issues such as item exposure control and content balancing, will be introduced. A discussion about CAT algorithms based on different latent properties, such as continuous or discrete latent abilities will also be addressed.
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